Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Candida albicans vs. Oral sex

Have you came across with this term - Candida albicans? Girls, instead of knowing bread yeast in your recipe book, this is another important yeast in your lives to be known and be aware of. Personally, I first heard about this microbe was about 2 years ago when I accidentally read an article about new releasing vaccine to combat Candida albicans, which is a yeast that commonly found in vagina!!!

Ok, now is another question, how Candida albicans to be related to oral sex? ###18SX### I'm pretty sure I don't need to further disucss about oral sex but what I'd like to stress here is the transmission of Candida albicans. This vagina yeast can be orally transmitted into human body(*imagine the process of oral sex - the vagina yeast will stick on saliva and flow in body) and happily the yeast attaches to intestinal wall, automatically it becomes the 'official' resident in human body. Do not look down on such micro thingy which you won't be able to see it with naked eyes!!! Because...

Candida albicans has the ability to produce 75 toxin substances that harm human beings! The yeast is able to attack numerous of human body system, it contaminates and weaken:
- the immune system
- the glands
- the kidneys
- the brain
- the nervous system
- the liver
- the lungs
- TOO MANY TO BE LISTED, but basically it spoils your whole body system ---> DEATH

(Pictures are randomly picked from Google)

So, Candida albicans? oral sex? Think before you act... Till next post...(",)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Fresh Blogger

Finally, I've upgraded myself as a freshman in the life of blogging. I think the topic that I should start off is the heading of my blog. The 4-word seems nothing special to you, but it meant a lot to me... quickly it brings me back to a part of my memory... if I'm not mistaken, it was somewhere in year 2001...

My fellow crazy 'sisters' (Mei, Mong, Ying, Rui, Cteng, Rachel) and I suddenly thought about "Message in a bottle". I can't remember what actually inspired us to write something on a piece of paper and stuck it into a glass bottle (as i remember, I "stole" it from my house - it belonged to my dad! XD) then threw it into the heart of South China Sea (Batu Burok - the beach where we did that memorable act) !!!

(Randomly picked from Google)

p/s: the action ablove is strictly prohibited, please do not follow! Save our ocean...

Why did we do so? Haha... the answer is, we were trying our luck to hope for a reply from people in another side of the globe! ok, question arose... there was internet at that time, wasn't it? Yeah... it was.. the existence of internet was well known, but we were playful and um... romantic? Haha... the sea is our "moderm"... =)

I hope this opening cheers you up a little and indirectly get to know me a little! Till next post... (",)